
Networking Tips and Tricks

Good morning Network Marketers!

It is a beautiful fall day here in Denver and has been a very busy week for me out networking in this beautiful city! When I first moved here 2 years ago, the only people I knew was my daughter, son-in-law and a few of their friends. I started going to networking events and the city shrunk in size as I started developing relationships and finding contacts that would be a good fit for me. In fact a couple of weeks ago when we went to a professional baseball game as we were exiting the stadium I ran into one of those great ladies that I have met along the way and we are doing business together, out of a stadium of approx. 45,000 people! My husband and son-in-law were shocked and I just chuckled as really truly networking is the way to grow your business, get out of your comfort zone and Make Contacts!

When you are looking for different places to network make sure you target groups that are specific to your needs.

Example: if you sell a product that is geared towards women, then go to groups that are mostly women, if you represent a children’s product then go to mommy type groups, if a health and wellness product then pretty much any type of group, etc… A great resource is if there isn’t one in your area start one up yourself!

If you are going with a fellow colleague in your business make sure you split up and double your contacting efforts.

Make sure you are INTERESTED NOT INTERESTING…what does that mean? Well be interested in them not be blabbering about you and your product. The only way you are going to find out if that person is a fit for you and your product or services is IF YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THEM!!! It is NOT about you!
Make sure you are professionally dressed. People will take you more seriously if you are dressed the part. If you are in fitness then yes, sneakers, t-shirt and sweat pants might be appropriate but if you represent a skin care product then represent your company accordingly.

Have your “elevator speech” or commercial down to 15-30 seconds and have it impactful.  Remember it is about them not you!

Ask questions that require more than a yes or no answer.

If the person is not a fit for you and no connection is made, move on! You are there to make strong connections and as many as possible. Don’t be a business card collector. Make sure your connections are good connections so even if they may not use your product or service you can build that relationship where they will feel comfortable referring you as well!

Networking is about building relationships. That is where I find most of my friends! It is awesome! My business has grown because of networking and this metropolitan area of approximately 3 million people does not seem that big at all!

Happy Networking!
Tina M Kraft

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