
Be Somebody!

Good morning Network Marketers!

We are somebody when we help others feel like a somebody.

This morning as I was sitting in my beautiful courtyard having my morning coffee and reading out of the book  ”You Can Too” by Mary C. Crowley. Who was the founder of Home Interiors and Gifts the saying of  ”Be Somebody, God didn’t take the time to make a nobody” was brought to my attention again.  Mary said this many times to us and it was instilled in us in our training as Consultants. We were taught it this way…..IMAGINE everyone you meet has a sign on them that says “I am Special”

Whenever we do meet someone how do we treat them? Do we pre-judge them by the way they are dressed or what they say? We have no idea what that person is going through in their lives at that moment but EVERYONE wants and needs to Feel Important and that they are SOMEBODY, because they ARE  SOMEBODY. We never know how we are going to impact that persons life.  Even if someone doesn’t make us feel good we should want to make them feel that they are the most  important and a very special person.

All of you are important and special to me. You have chosen a great industry to be involved in and you can be anything you set your mind to be and do anything you set your mind to do. The only limitations we have are the ones we put on ourselves.

Go out today and be somebody by making everyone around you feel like they are somebody special!

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