
How to Identify and Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes Made when Starting a Network Marketing Business

Network marketing has enabled more people to become independently wealthy, home based business owners than any other industry; it is truly an equal opportunity business model Anybody can succeed in network marketing regardless of age, race, religious belief, educational background, hair color or whatever other ?obstacle? you think might exist
Network marketing has enabled more people to become independently wealthy, home based business owners than any other industry; it is truly an equal opportunity business model. Anybody can succeed in network marketing regardless of age, race, religious belief, educational background, hair color or whatever other ?obstacle? you think might exist.

But sadly, even though anybody CAN succeed in network marketing, only 5% of those who get involved actually do. The biggest reason why most people struggle and fail in this industry is because they lack practical business skills. When a lack of skills exists, starting a business becomes a leap of faith. And, overwhelmingly, a leap of faith will almost always end in a crash.

It kills me to see so many well intentioned, hard working people fail when it just doesn?t have to be that way. If only people would get started in business the right way, they?d be giving themselves a huge advantage to achieve the success they so desire. Every business owner will learn and get better as they go. But, when just starting out, it is so crucially important to understand a few key principles up front.

The beginning stages of building a business will set the tempo for your success. The failure rate in network marketing is so high because the frustration and struggle at the beginning will cause many to quit long before they?ve allowed themselves an honest attempt at success.

So, having said that, let?s take a look at the 7 biggest mistakes made by 99% of those who start a network marketing business. And, how you can be assured of getting started the right way.

Biggest mistake #1-

Network marketing is a serious business. Or, to put it another way, it will only be as serious a business as you make of it. If you treat it as the serious business that it is, you will be giving yourself a huge advantage in becoming successful. If you treat it like a hobby or anything less than a serious business, I can assure you it will lead to frustrations, lost time and lost money.

Biggest mistake #2-

There are four business sectors that all network marketing companies will fit into. Clearly understanding each of these sectors, and understanding the potential risks and rewards of each, will provide a great deal of clarity on choosing the one that?s best suited to you. For example, do you have the propensity for risk found in the emerging market sector or, would you feel more comfortable operating a business in the proven sector? Once you understand the differences between all four, you?ll know a lot more than most other people who get started in network marketing.

Biggest mistake #3-

All businesses are started and grown by entrepreneurs. To succeed in multi level marketing, you have to have the mindset of an entrepreneur. You cannot bring an employee mind set or attitude into your own business and expect to succeed. An employee expects to trade time for dollars whereas a real business owner expects to build a passive income stream.

Biggest mistake #4-

Are you able to work well with others? Network marketing is first and foremost a people business. To be successful, one must enjoy working with others. Working with people also means dealing with people; differing personalities, differing cultures and often times vastly different geographical locations are just a few of the challenges you?ll face.

Biggest mistake #5-

The person under whom you start your business is known as your sponsor. A more apt title for this person may very well be your business partner. This is the person who, at least at the beginning, will be instrumental in your business building efforts. They will ? or should ? provide you with the leadership and guidance you?ll need to build a business organization of your own. How carefully have you chosen your sponsor to make sure they are the right person to help you reach your goals?

Biggest mistake #6-

In order to become successful in network marketing, you?ll need to build an organization of your own. The people you?ll be brining into your organization will need your guidance and leadership in building their own business. Translation: you?ll be giving these folks your time. Do not give your time away freely to just anyone. Time is your most precious asset and you?ll want to give that time to serious business builders only. If you get into a habit of sponsoring just anyone with a pulse, you?re going to be squandering a lot of your most precious asset.

Biggest mistake #7-

The biggest reason why network marketing has such a high rate of failure is because people are too willing to give up when the going gets tough. Ask anyone who has become successful in business and they?ll tell you that the biggest reason for their success was their ability to weather the tough times. I don?t care what business it is you choose to pursue, if you throw in the towel at the first sign of difficulty, you?ll be forever mired in mediocrity. Don?t give up. Don?t ever, ever give up.

Multi level marketing is a business model that a countless number of people have used to achieve financial freedom. It is a model that anyone can take advantage of to reach their dreams. It?s saddening to see so many people with good intentions fail in network marketing when all they needed for success was the right knowledge. I hope that this article has provided you with a bit of the knowledge you?ll need to accomplish great things in a network marketing business of your own.
Daniel Herzner is a network marketing business owner, trainer and consultant. He has produced a free, 7 part video series which has been helping people everywhere succeed in network marketing. To contact Dan and to gain immediate access to the free video series, please visit
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Tina M Kraft

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