
Treating your Network Marketing Company like a Business

Hello everyone,
As I am sitting here with one of my precious grandsons, it makes me realize again how fortunate any of us are that are in Business for ourselves. We have the wonderful opportunity of creating a residual income so we can leave our “traditional” paying  job while having the flexibility to spend those precious moments with our loved ones.

But……there is a fine balance to be had when you are in business for yourself. You still need to treat it as a BUSINESS!  I can remember in my early days of having my own business and thinking wow! I sure was “busy” today but really didn’t see any results for my business. Why was that? Well, making meals, washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning house…in between maybe making a few phone calls or putting together coaching packets for my parties really wasn’t concentrating on my business. Where was I spending MOST of my time? So, I started keeping a log of what I did and the amount of TIME that was spent on that task. I soon found that the actual time spent on my business was not very much! So what I was doing was really a Hobby!

So I started blocking off time for just my business and let my friends and family know my business hours. You know when you work from home everyone thinks that you are available at any time to just “drop” in on you. That is not a business. If your company has conference calls, make sure you block that time off as well and let your family know that this is part of building your business. Close the door and make sure that there is someone available to watch your children so you have uninterrupted time. This goes for making your care calls as well.

Maybe you want to have someone come in or take your children somewhere 2-3 mornings or afternoons a week so you can dedicate that time to your calls, networking, business building times. You will find that you get more done when you are paying someone to watch the children because then you have something at stake!!

If your business isn’t at that place yet, find a fellow network marketer that will trade child care with you.
Network marketing is one of the best kept secrets and gives us the most potential and freedom in the workplace IF we treat it like a business and build it to make a future for ourselves.

Wishing you all the most success in your network marketing business!

Tina M Kraft
featured in Volume 2 of Millionaire Women in Direct Sales by Kirsten McCay Smith
To buy Vol. 1 in print: buy Vol. 2 in print:
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